Tips and How To's

Blog categorized as Tips and How To's

Balsa wood has been around in the composites industry for several decades. It is used in a variety of applications and industries, including wind turbine blades, boat building, rail, aerospace, automotive, as well as several other industrial applications.

With such a versatile material, what are the ...
01.02.18 09:44 PM - Comment(s)
How do Structures Carry Loads?
Even though we may often forget or take for granted what is really going on when we add weight to a structure, what happens to the molecular and nanoscale level is amazing! How solid materials behave in structures to support loads will surprise you.

Basically, the best way to look at solids is to see...
09.12.13 06:14 PM - Comment(s)
6 Steps to Test a New Adhesive on Core Materials

In the composites the world, almost all of us use some sort of adhesive or resin in our manufacturing process. Due to this, there is a huge variety of adhesive/resin options available to us.

When desiring to use a different adhesive product on core materials, it is very important to do proper te...

25.10.13 08:43 PM - Comment(s)
4 Key Ideas to Benefit from Social Media in Business

Social media has been rapidly increasing its penetration in users of all ages over the past years. Many of our friends and colleagues have at least one profile on a major Social Networking Site (SNS). This means that people, in general, are trying to stay more connected than before.

Social media is n...

10.10.13 11:59 PM - Comment(s)
3 Awesome Facts About Balsa Wood You Did Not Know

In the composites industry, we all know balsa wood (also known as "Ochroma pyramidale" for its scientific name), for its very strong but lightweight material properties used for a huge variety of applications. It is well regarded as an optimal core material for having excellent c...

01.10.13 04:21 PM - Comment(s)